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How prophecy affects our work plus a quick project that can save you and your clients money every month.
The Word of the Week is ready and you can read the text version of the devotional podcast segment at Desk to Desk Links & Resources: 1. Feeling sad, unmotivated or depressed? If you're...
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Pour yourself a cup of this kind of ambition. Mindset devotional, book recommendation and more.
The Word of the Week is ambition and following is the text version of the corresponding devotional podcast segment. Mentioned resources and links from the Desk to Desk segment are at the end of the...
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God gives grace to serve. (New weekly format & devotional)
The Word of the Week is grace and following is a transcript of this week's corresponding devotional podcast. Mentioned resources and links are at the end of the transcript. **************The word translated "grace"...
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Work and Life Lessons from a Manger
Cultivating Contentment in Your Work and Beyond
Up until 2020, I’ve always been a stickler about celebrating Thanksgiving first and then celebrating Christmas. Thanksgiving just gets a bad rap, you know -- I mean, in stores I see Thanksgiving table settings and...
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Serving Joyfully (Even When You Don't Feel Like It)
There’s an old song that goes “There is joy, joy, joy in serving Jesus, joy that throbs within my heart.”But here’s the deal -- while there is joy in serving Jesus -- sometimes you just don’t feel it. Things happen....
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Check Your Mindset (Business Booster Series)
According to a 2017 Barna research report, only 17% of practicing Christians actually have a biblical worldview.This then begs the question, what worldview do the majority of these professing Christians have if it’s...
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Spring-Clean Your Business with this Simple Method (Business Booster Series)
Ah, there’s nothing like a gentle breeze through your open window or sunshine on your shoulder, or even a quarantine to get you thinking about all the wonderful things you can do to spruce up your house, clean your...
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Fighting Racial Injustice God's Way
Like you, I’m sure, I’ve been heartbroken and troubled by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a heartless police officer.And like you, I've been saddened and angered by stories from others sharing their...
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Supercharge Your Website with These Three C's (Business Booster Series)
If you do it right, your website can grow your business even when you’re away from your desk. And it’s as easy as 1-2-3 -- or as you’ll find out in this episode, C, C, C.This is the first episode in my Business...
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Because He Lives, You Can . .
Today, we’re taking a little bit of a break from all the coronavirus crisis news and addressing our need as Christian business owners to look upward and take the time to consider what the resurrection means to our...
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Marketing in a Crisis
How on earth do you market your product or your service in a time of fear and panic? When your prospective customers or clients are suffering financial loss or are holding tightly to their wallets and have shifted...
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